Beauty for Ashes

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Well I finally worked up the courage to make a blog, not as hard as I feared. Now I can reveal my thoughts and feelings to strangers all over the world(not that anyone's probably going to read this) and somehow feel better because of it. This blog will probably be about the people I love and spend my life with. I am going to attempt to write this as if no one will ever read it. That way I can be completly honest. I apologize for what's probably going to be TERRIBLE spelling and grammar, but oh well. On to today...

Though my pathetic excuse for a spring break ended on Tuesday, 11am finds me at home in bed. The fact that I graduate in a month makes me question the value of continuing my attendance. I find myself loathing school more than anything I've ever loathed before. April and May seem like eternity. I made a pathetic, lackluster attempt at job hunting today. Work just doesn't appeal to me that much. I ended up at the Thrift store with Mark. I think he must live there. We spent the next couple of hours eating and killing together. Eventually we decided to don some leg and neck braces and challenge the girls to a basketball game. Jamie and Emily won't be winning any prizes for athletic ability anytime soon, but they make up for it by being awesome anyway. Went to church and saw the whole lot them.
Listening to "Killing Moon"


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