Saturday night I had to do one of the hardest things of my entire life, I had to give something up, something that God had given me and that he was asking for back. Well, I gave it to him and in the days since I have second guessed that decision more times than I could ever count. But what it comes down to is, how much do I trust God? I don't know, I want to trust him and the idea of trusting him is what gives me hope that one day he'll give back what I feel like I've lost. But what really gives me hope is that God is a God of intentions, he's a God of the heart, and even if I totally screwed up, he knows that the only reason I did it was that I thought I was doing what he asked me to do. And he'll reward my good intentions. So this is where I want to be.
see also. There's No "I" in Team, or perhaps more accurately, Now It's Done, by Taking Back Sunday and Straylight Run, respectively.