Beauty for Ashes

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

hey alemeda!

I'm at the weirdest place where I'm learning to be patient and wait on the Lord, and a place where having to truely choose God not just say I choose him, but really choose him. It's an exciting time, summer is almost here, the atmosphere in Boone is changing, and yes I have always wanted to rob a bank.

postscript- I love you Jenks.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

had to go

a few days of glory and georgia are over, easter is passed and now it's back to class, oh the drugery. but at least i dont have to do it much longer. I'm working on a book. It's one of those times when I am tired of the details.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

'cause even slurred words can contain some truth

it's the mad dash for the end now, just trying to get the classes finished. All eyes are on the weekend as the porthole to summer. Time goes fast, though we wish it would go faster, 'till we realize that it's over and that those times were all we really wanted. Though, class is the last thing on anyones mind, something big will happen soon.