If You Don't Play Nice you can't have ice cream
I don't live at home anymore. I still cannot really comprehend that. I still feel like I'm on vacation and that soon it will be time to go home, only this is home now, and it kinda sucks Spent the last couple days saying my goodbyes. First on Sunday I said goodbye to all the OFY people and I found that difficult to say the least. Then Monday I said goodbye to Lauren, one of the hardest things I've ever done. Then Tuesday it was Jamie's turn, although I think I hid it well, it was also one of hardest things I've ever done. Mark ran off before I could say goodbye, so bye Mark I'll be seein ya. And of course Wednesday was my family, not quite as hard since I'll be seeing them plenty still. Anyways one thing that has comforted me is that even though saying my goodbyes was incredibly sad, how much sadder would it have been if I'd never known these people? I've talked to other students who say that they where so happy to leave home. I'm glad that leaving home was hard. I would like to thank everyone who has been apart of my life, I love you all so much. So many of you have made enormous impacts on my life that you'll never know of. Anyways, I'm having fun up here. I had to go park my car at the freshmen lot which is 2 miles from my dorm and the plan was to take the bus back to campus, however after waiting for the bus for over an hour we decided it wasn't coming. However, the wait was pretty fun, Marshall and I debated with fellow Ap. students about science, relgion, politics, moral issues, and the Spiritual relm. It encouraged me that the all didn't totally disagree, and Marshall and I did pretty well I think, we sort of backed them all into a corner philosophically. We eventually hitchhiked back to campus with a recenltly graduated pot head who sounded exactly like the turtle in Finding Nemo. Anyway, I miss you guys and I'll be seeing you soon.
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