Beauty for Ashes

Sunday, November 07, 2004

We're the Coolest Kids, and We Take What We Can Get

Again, awesome weekend. Drove home on Thursday, saw Lauren, spent Thursday night at Jessies house. Drove to Myrtle beach Friday morning (yes I skipped class), played on the beach and swum in the Atlantic for a few hours. Then drove to barefoot landing walked around for awhile. Then it was off to The House of Blues to see Honorary Title, The Format, and Switchfoot. The show was pretty good, I'd give it about on 7. Went back to Marshalls condo for a bit, then walked back to the beach to wander around, talk on the phone, and generally be cold. Went back and fell asleep around 3am. Woke up at 7, drove back home. Went on a picnic with Lauren, was cold, cleaned some gutters, had a wonderful evening. Fell asleep at around 11pm, woke up about 12:30pm. Watched Pantnthers some, with Mark and Jamie, went and got Lauren, played some basketball, Mark made a fool of himself, and we pranked Chris Hunt. Spent a little more time with Lauren, drove back to Boone. All in all I think I spent about 16 hours driving this weekend. I know you all just wanted to here all of that, it's always depressing as mess to walk back into Hoey residence hall and smell the marijuana, and know that this is not, and never will be home. So yes this weekend was a blast, as will every weekend hence forth for as long as I can see. Happiness? Not quite, but it's the closest I've ever been.


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