Beauty for Ashes

Monday, February 28, 2005

Rhythms of Heaven

An amazing weekend to be sure. There was never a dull moment. It was a God weekend, and those are the best kind. Well there was supposed to be all night worship at A Place for the Heart, but when we showed up that had been cancelled. So, we just hung out for a while talking to Johnny and Melissa. This quickly turned into worship and God showed up. We all got to pray over Johnny. Some really cool prophecy came out, For those of you who don't know, The Awakening is this weekend. Johnny is going to be recording a lot of his songs, and its just going to be a weekend of CRAZY worship. So we did a lot of praying for that. God was just there. Saturday was a lazy day filled with cleaning myself up, (a haircut, and my first shave in at least a week and a half). Then walked around on Mark's roof with Mark. Jamie and I then went and strolled around Oakdale, and were officially creeped out. Took some pictures of course. Then I went out to eat with my family and Lauren to celebrate my dads’ new job. Steve has been here for a while, and that's been great.

It was the Lord's Day like crazy. Went to Lauren's house pretty early in the morning, used my knowledge of the spare key to get in and wake her up. She fixed me breakfast, and we spent a good while together before she had to go to Durham. It was the first time we've really gotten to spend a lot of time together in over two weeks, and it also happened to be our three-month mark. It was a good time to just spend together. Then I went back to OFY for the first time in I don't know how long. The main reason I went was to see Songs of Water play. They were amazing of course and we got into some great worship and intercession for the lost ones in our lives. We brought Jonathan and he remembered the church, and Katie Held. We talked to Frank for a while and it was just a great time to catch up. The best part was that I saw my first best friend, Jonathan Sikes, we were best friends when we were like seven. I was actually thinking about him the other day. I would love to get back in touch with him. I think he's going to come to The Awakening. So, anyways I talked to him and Frank, took some pictures of some cool people, and around 9:30 it was time for Marshall, Jonathan, and I to head back to Boone. Well the weather wasn’t so good when I left, it only got worse. I was still at least 60 miles away when the snow started. You guys have to understand that I drive an ‘88 Camaro, V8, rear-wheel drive, 5-speed, about a 6 inch ground clearance, and what are anti-lock brakes? This car is not good in snow, but I still love her. Anyway, it snowed about 10 inches. I couldn’t see anything, I was sliding all over the place, and I was praying, a lot. Well, after a ridiculously long time, and several close calls including sliding a long about 20 mph, completely perpendicular to the road, I finally made it to my parking space. So, thank you Jesus for getting my Camaro and I up the mountain safely.

PS- All of you go to the Awakening this weekend, it will change your life.


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