So I found this lying on the ground, a piece of paper with someones song or poetry written on it. I love it when I find stuff like this.
Anyway, I will take a moment to talk about the differences between boys and girls. Sunday night, Marshall and I were driving back from the Super Bowl party, and we hit a huge patch of ice. Marshall's car careened wildly from one side of the road to the other, sliding first one way then the next coming ever so close to going off the road and/or mountain. This lasted for about twenty seconds or so. And what do you think Marshall and I were doing the entire time? Laughing hysterically. Even while he was twisting the wheel this way and that trying to regain control of his car, Marshall was just laughing and laughing. As was I, while not wearing a seatbelt. We thorougly enjoyed the whole event. Now, I think that atmosphere, and sounds may have been a little different, had a girl, or a girly man been present. The only thing either of us worried about was money, as far as consequences. The thought of getting hurt never crossed our minds, I was thinking, welp there goes Marshall's money, and he was thinking, welp there goes my money. Anyway, it was fun.
So, I have been thinking about doing a series on my friends. The idea is that, if I can't think of anything better to blog about, I will do kind of a portrait of one of my friends, attempting to go in alphabetical order, which I royally suck at. I would post a picture of them, and try and write some things about them, what they mean to me, who they are, what's special about them. Or maybe just make fun of them. We'll see. So, if I do decide to do this, and I pretty much have, I think David Balmer is up first...