Today was amazing, perhaps just the sort of day that I have been longing for although, until it happened I was unaware of how much I needed it. The day began as all Sunday’s do with a reluctant climb out of bed and off the church. However, today was beautiful, 70 degrees and sunshine galore. Obviously this was not a day to waste. So after lunch we headed to Hebron rock colony were hours were spent leaping from rock to rock, climbing in holes and caves, swimming in cold water, and generally having fun in what was a paradise for men, boys, and dogs. We climbed and jumped and crawled and swam all over the place until we were exhausted and so so thirsty (I would have satisfied my thirst with the cold mountain water if Britty hadn’t prevented me.) After we were spent, we drank our fill from gas station drinks, and headed off the Jonathan’s to cook some meat. After I was defeated in a weird made up game by Miss Roberts, the meat cooking commenced. The unfortunate thing was that the meat had been acquired from our church for free, and was not what you would call entirely edible. Not that that stopped anyone. However, after awhile we did decide that we would rather eat burgers than, “what’s behind door number one”. So, I went and bought a bunch of burgers and we grilled those and were happy. All the while we were laughing about everything, and enjoying the company of amazing friends. The perfect ending for a perfect day came with a change of weather. The storm came and so did the rain and thunder. We stood out on Jonathan’s deck and watched the lightening. Then came Iron & Wine singing Such Great Heights, and we all went home. The cast for the perfect day? Matt, Heather, Marshall, Jonathan, Eddie, Neil, Keeli, Whitney, Michael, Britty, Sarah, Michelle, Amara, Seth, and Kyle. The only thing that could have made it better was if you were there. Whoever you are. And now I’m going to bed.