I wanted to stay 18 forever...
Well now I'm 19. So much has changed in the past year. I'm such a different person. Eighteen was the best year of my life. I can't think of a better way to end it. I spent November 27 with my friends, shooting pumkins, playing around, wrestling, it was just like old times only better. This year has brought so many changes with me moving away from home and trying to figure out what exactly home is. I find myself calling two places home. One is my parents house in Jamestown, it's been home for the past 11 years or so. The other is Hoey Residence Hall in Boone were I currently live. But neither really feels like home. I can't wait to get out of Hoey, and when I go "home" to Jamestown, my house doesn't really feel like home anymore. I can't tell what's changed, but something has. It's like that phase of my life is over, and I'm temporarily homeless. I think this is why I love Garden State so much. I've left the home of my youth and it will be some years before I establish a home of my own. So for now the words of The World You Love, by Jimmy Eat World come to mind, "I fall asleep with my friends around me, the only place I know I feel safe. I'm gonna call this home" I feel most at home when surrounded by my friends, laughing at all of their unique personality quirks, and loving them. As I was discussing Saturday night, I can't wait until this group starts to marry, the wedding receptions are gonna be crazy. I never thought I would be this blessed. My theme song for the past year has been Soco Amaretto Lime, and I really did want to stay 18 forever, but I know 19 will be wonderful because of the same people that have made 18 the best year of my life. God has taught me so much, I feel like I've changed so much in the past year, but I don't know if I have or not. God is so good, I am so blessed. I thought about typing out a huge list of people who have made this year so special, but it would be so long, and I'd forget someone. So, I'll thank Jesus, he has blessed me beyond my wildest dreams. I you all so much, and I'll be back for Christmas. I'm glad I'm 19, that's one year closer to home.
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