Beauty for Ashes

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Rock n' Roll and Attempted Murder

Well Monday dawned with all the promise of another Monday, which as we all know, isn't much. In the end it was quite a fun day, at least after the legally required daily education was acquired. We all went to Mark and Jamie's house to finish Brian, Stephen, and Kristin's anatomy project which is loosely based on the effects of adrenaline on the body. Well anyway, Jessie tried to inject Brian with a shot of pure adrenline that would have killed him so that was absolutely hillarious 'cause Jessie almost murdered Brian. Tuesday turned out to be MUCH better than I expected because Kristin's apple juice turned alchoholic made me sick as a dog for like an hour, just long enough to go home and sleep through school. I went to Larry and Rosemary's antique shop with Mark and Jamie, which was fun until Stephen and Brian showed up. That night I went to see Copeland, The Necessary, Farewell, and Boxbomb at Ace's. It was awsome of course, Ryan and Adam showed up really late. My parents where a little miffed that I got home past midnight on a school night, so they said that I would have to be home earlier on school nights. I don't care because I'm done with school in less than a month.
This weekend I'm going to a men's retreat with my church, I know it'll be fun, but I miss the girls already.

Monday, April 26, 2004


Danny: Hey, is Colorado a state?
Me:yes Danny, it is
Danny: Oh, I thought it was a place in Utah
Me: Amazing

I'm glad I know Danny he's a never ending source of entertainment.

Sunday, April 25, 2004

Death to Beautiful Summer Land

I enjoyed my weekend more than usual, which is amazing because I tend to have the best weekends ever. I'm going to stick to Saturday because I don't feel like writing to much.
Saturday began like every other Saturday with me sleeping until around noon. Jamie, Mark, and I went to see Wesleyan play Cardinal Gibbons in baseball. As usual it wasn't even close with Wesleyan defeating Cardinal Gibbons 11-1. We all got nice farmers tans so that was cool. We then went home and awaited the arrival of Jacob, Brian, and Jessie. Jacob and Brian had deserted Jessie to go to a massive yardsale which is pretty much par for the course for those two. Well they showed up with a Jeep load of useless junk that ranged from 50 lbs. of Readers Digest books and 3 old golf bags (neither of them has any clubs) to a wet suit and a bowling ball with no holes. Soon after it was decided that we would go to the park. So Jamie, Mark, Jessie, Jamie, Jacob, Red, and I wandered around City Lake park for awhile. Jacob kissed the former ugly duckling, and was called "tall and nasty" by some little black girl on a train. We made a lot of people stare and Mark ate Pringles he found on the ground.
Next we went to the Civil War era graveyard that is just a stones throw from the playground, go figure. We walked between the graves of people who mostly died in the 1850's and 60's and read their headstones. I found one such headstone which had broken off and was lying under an oak tree, all that could still be read was "....Death to Beautiful Summer Land".
Brian and Jacob then left to go hang up a light fixture for some reason. Jessie left to go have dinner with Alex, and we made Red go home. Mark, Jamie, and I decided to roast hot dogs in a fire pot for lack of a grill. So Mark and I went to Food Lion where it was all we could do to resist a 24 pack of Italian sausages, if only we weren't Jewish? The meal went swimmingly of course. Then we played a board game which was quite fun. Then Mark and I resorted to playing with fire while Jamie laughed at us. We got some really cool pictures and I got burned. Then we sat and stared at the death of the fire without speaking because there was nothing to say. Again I found myself cursing the lights of High Point which blot out all but the brightest stars. Then Mark belched and the spell was broken, especially when he began peeing off the deck. Sometimes I think that this may be what heaven is like except instead of being in the prescence of those you love we're going to be in the prescense of God.

Thursday, April 22, 2004

This is my senior will. It was especially requested so here it is.

I David Burbach being of malnourished mind and submersible body do bequeath the following:

Stephen - mindless, nonsensical Stephen babble and terrible ideas. Have fun in Georgia.
Late nights killing possums that turns creepy fast

Jacob - at least 4 showers a day, being late for everything….EVERYTHING the world’s funniest vehicle outside the Oscar Meyer wiener mobile.

Jessie - I leave to you the weirdest guys EVER especially the guy in blockbuster who lived in a morgue with a girl name Lucy Fur.

Brian- uh I guess keep dressing that way ‘cause its cool? I guess we’ll fight less when I’m in college, not that we fight much anymore.

Bingham- vegetating with drool, stupid stupid unintimidating verbal threats

Marshall- Molotov cocktails gone horrible askew, being trapped at your house cause of snow, and all the rest of it that would fill 10 pages to right out

Stewart- drive by’s with bb guns, paintball, playing with fire… A LOT and somehow staying out jail.

Kevin- Wha’ Happened? and early morning Bible examination. All I can say is that it’s gonna take a special girl.

Jaye- Wheel chair into guy on lawnmower, run away then try it again

BJ- raptor, seizure, raptor of different persuasion and of course, “ what about the stuff gophers eat?” and temperachur

Alex- crazy rock shows every weekend (almost)

Al Gore- thanks for the internet

Jamie- the viper wasn’t stolen but you know that. Sorry for everything I did, thanks for everything you did. And beating the crap out of me when we were young.

Mark- the total ludicrous jankablility of all forms of posters on any wall at any time. and gorts. Plus nasty bathrooms in rock clubs

Dustin- you scare off girls, I’m serious. Really fast reckless driving in crappy, really crappy cars

Ray- you’re one big teddy bear

Will- dude we’re screwed. did you do it? NO. Me neither. You’re SOOOO sleazy.

Mrs. Bowie- thanks for calling the cops all those times, if it weren’t for you we might have gotten arrested.

Tara- That look will always work on me. I’ll come to your Quaker church eventually I promise. If a creepy guy asks for your number give him mine.

Tiphani- umm sorry for making so much fun of Hayworth, although I’m not going to stop.

Brad- you’ll probably never read this either but you’re the man, keep up the evangelism in Waffle House.

Andy- I can’t wait to hear how God uses you in the future.

Ben- talking about music, scaring you away from OFY even though you live next door, trying to figure out the point of some strange things. Thanks for the Blimpy’s.

AP Physics- stupid comments that wouldn’t make sense to anyone else.

Liz- sorry for pelting you with snowballs that one time

Other Jamie- though you’ll never read this, you turned out alright after all. Thanks for not telling my parents about all that stuff you could’ve told them about.

Everyone I forgot- sorry I’m a scumbag get over it.

To Coy, and Frank- thanks for the leadership, I hope I can still be of some help in college.

To everyone’s parents- thanks for not getting to mad when we wrecked your house. Thanks for the food.

To my parents- thanks for not getting to mad when I wrecked your house. Thanks for the food.

Pitaki- you’re a gumba

Adam Smith- RAIN X, and you can’t drive……at all………..ever.

Zack Kennedy- you better marry the Jacqueline girl, cause then you’d be married to Jackie Kennedy which is CAHRAZY.

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

The only reason I'm posting this is because it's April 20, which is the anniversary of many horrible things such as Hitler's birth and Columbine. At school this little freshmen was acting as if it was a holiday to be funny I guess. I can't stand people like that, what's funny about the anniversary death?

Monday, April 19, 2004

Random thought:
Hypothetically let's say you go back in time and kill your mother on June 27, 1963 which is well before you where born. Then you would have never existed so you couldn't have gone back and killed her but in that case you would exist and could kill her thus making you nonexistent again and on and on until you come to the conclusion that if you did it then hypothetically you would exist when you should not therefore ripping the universe apart. And since the creation can never become more powerful than it's creator time travel must be impossible. So stop trying.

Well, this weekend was fairly typical, not much food, not much sleep, but a whole lot of fun.

Unfortunately had to go to school, who knew 7 hours could last that long? Sometime during second period we all decided to go to A Place for the Heart, Ken Helser's place in Sophia. If you don't know the Helser's I stongly suggest coming with us sometime. I called Jamie after school to invite her, and was pleasantly surprised when she agreed. Worship began around sunset and continued all through the night until Jacob and Stephen were the only people still up. Most of us went to bed around 2am. During the only song that was pre-written, I felt an overpowering sense of joy that lasted for about 5 minutes. It was all I could do to keep from bursting out laughing. Although I'm not sure what was so funny.

The Children will lead us to the Glory of Jesus
Their foolishness will shame the wise
- Jonathan Helser

Woke up at around 5:30 am in a crappy little bed. Hit snooze until 6:48. Then played with the dogs until 9:30. Ate a big pancake and bacon breakfast that Jonathan and Melisa made. We all left A Place for the Heart soon after. Bingham and I showed up at Bingham's house around 12:30 which must have been weird for Stewart who was there at noon. Stephen fell asleep and wouldn't show up with the water balloons until 4:30 or so. So we had some time to kill so we fished. It turns out that Jamie is the best at it as she apparently doesn't even need bait to catch fish. Well Stephen and Tara finally showed up so the "water balloon fighting" began. It didn't last all that long but we were all pretty wet, and Stephen got nailed in the ribs with a balloon from a giant sling shot so he had a welt. The girls and Mark retreated to Mark's car while the rest of us played smeer the queer. That didn't last long either as Stewart accidentally got Marshall below the belt. The little cooking fire was begun soon after and many hot dogs and marshmellow's were roasted. The bonfire was then started with the aid of flamable chemicals. We quickly realized we where about to burn the forest down so we did a quick little bucket brigade and all was well. The fire soon calmed us down, or at least some of us. The Sophomores were the source of the background noise to our reverie. Stephen proclaimed that this was the last bonfire because we are all headed off to college. While I doubt and hope he's wrong, he did manage to once again bring the inevitability of growing up to my mind. Marshall and Tiphani were lost in each other as usuall. Mark was off in his own world. I can't even begin to imagine what things were going through his head. Jamie was quiet as well, we talked a little but we mostly just stared at the fire and stars. I can only speculate at her thoughts, but not here. I sat and listened to the others as they tried to rouse us to play sardines, broke a chair, burned a sock, and generally enjoyed themselves, oblivious to how quickly it will all be over. We left around 11. Most of the sophomores and Stewart went back to Stephen's because the night was still young, I went home physically and emotionally exhausted. Oh, well.

Slept until 1:15pm. Spent the day loafing. Left for the Brand New concert around 4:30. Mark seems back to his usuall self which is still pretty weird, but we're the only people who find each others jokes funny so it's cool.
Guy behind us in line at Cat's Cradle: So you smoked anything lately?
Other guy: like what?
Guy: Anything.
Some bum hit us up for money both before and after the show, and seemed to always be within twenty feet of us. The show was amazing as expected. The first act was a guy by the name of Kevin Devine who is quite talented but should stick to music not politics. During Brand New I somehow ended up right behind Jessie (Stafford not Lacie) which is exactly what happened at the last Brand New concert. As usuall she was being hit on by weird smelling guys. On the way home some fool had gotten in a wreck on Route 54 so we had to go on a little detour which was totally pointless. We got home around midnight.

"I wanna stay eighteen forever"

I'm not going to school today so that's good. Well, I put over 200 miles on my car this weekend, which is alot of money for gas. I wish we could go on like this forever. But who knows? Maybe I'll like college.

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Well I finally worked up the courage to make a blog, not as hard as I feared. Now I can reveal my thoughts and feelings to strangers all over the world(not that anyone's probably going to read this) and somehow feel better because of it. This blog will probably be about the people I love and spend my life with. I am going to attempt to write this as if no one will ever read it. That way I can be completly honest. I apologize for what's probably going to be TERRIBLE spelling and grammar, but oh well. On to today...

Though my pathetic excuse for a spring break ended on Tuesday, 11am finds me at home in bed. The fact that I graduate in a month makes me question the value of continuing my attendance. I find myself loathing school more than anything I've ever loathed before. April and May seem like eternity. I made a pathetic, lackluster attempt at job hunting today. Work just doesn't appeal to me that much. I ended up at the Thrift store with Mark. I think he must live there. We spent the next couple of hours eating and killing together. Eventually we decided to don some leg and neck braces and challenge the girls to a basketball game. Jamie and Emily won't be winning any prizes for athletic ability anytime soon, but they make up for it by being awesome anyway. Went to church and saw the whole lot them.
Listening to "Killing Moon"