Beauty for Ashes

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Timing Rhymes with Reason

The dreaded time has come as i knew it would, it's back to mysteriously illegal smells in the halls, cafeteria food, and bathroom stall hunting (trying to find the least nasty one). Oh yeah and classes too. For some reason I like my western civ teacher, even though in the first class he managed to espouse the wonders of Karl Marx, claim the Pope is more evil than Stalin (not that I'm a fan of the Pope), claim all the founding fathers were all deists (Franklin and Jefferson were, but that's it), and compare the United States to Nazi Germany. I'm pretty sure he's a communist.

God's really been doing a lot of work on me lately. He's been revealing to me a little more of his nature, and speaking a lot of truth to me through some people. I'm really finding strength in the knowledge that all the identities that I use to describe myself, son, grandson, brother, student, friend, boyfriend, ect., are secondary to my true identity in Christ as a worshiper. That's my purpose, that's what I was created for. So I'm just trying to find comfort in that. I highly recomend that you read Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis, it's wonderful.

I'll be back this weekend for three days thanks to Martin Luther King Jr. Pray for me all of you who do, Love you all.


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